Among Us VR gives the wildly popular game a brand new perspective

Among Us VR gives the wildly popular game a brand new perspective

Among Us VR gives the wildly popular game a brand new perspective

 Probably the greatest amazement during The 2021 Game Awards was the uncover that Among Us is venturing into the domain of augmented reality. Among Us VR was uncovered with a concise secret trailer amidst The Game Awards, and however it didn’t show definitely, a large portion of us presumably have an adequate handle on the first game to envision what a computer generated simulation form of the game will resemble.

A whole new reality for Among Us

 In any case, it’s great to examine the game, and that is definitively what we got in this short trailer from The Game Awards. In it, we can see the player character performing assignments in the notorious spaceship – this time delivered in 3D – before they’re assaulted by the faker. Sadly, that is all the trailer gives us, yet assuming the objective for the trailer was getting the normal Among Us fan amped up for the possibility of a future VR title, what we got was actually all we expected to see.

What is Among Us?

 For the people who don’t have the foggiest idea what Among Us is, it’s basically a computer game variant of the party game Mafia (also called Werewolf). Mafia is normally played face to face, with players split into two gatherings: the residents and the Mafiosi. That Mafiosi play a round of misdirection, endeavoring to pass as standard residents while picking a resident to kill every evening. Every day, the residents are educated regarding who was killed and endeavor to figure out who the frauds are, dispensing with those whom the larger part suspects.

Among Us keeps the construction of Mafia, however places the game in space and moves the setting from a town to a spaceship. Standard players are given a progression of assignments they need to finish, while the shams need to kill off the group while keeping away from doubt. On the off chance that the group completes their goals as a whole or wipes out the frauds in general, they dominate the game. Assuming the fakers figure out how to kill the crewmembers before they complete their errands or figure out how to trigger a fiasco on board the boat, they win.

Among Us has been around beginning around 2018, however it soar to fame during the beginning phases of the COVID-19 pandemic when huge quantities of imminent gamers were stuck at home and couldn’t play party games like Mafia face to face. Since we’ve arrived at the place where the brand Among Us can grow past its unique piece of media, it’s an ideal opportunity to take the leap toward the following most coherent spot: augmented reality. Will you be dropping in on this game when the opportunity arrives for public delivery?

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